David Dykstal

I a few in my office, but my most used display is a 3440x1440 ultra-wide. Love the real estate on this one.

Each year at Thanksgiving we have a contest among the Dykstal siblings. This year it’s turkey sandwiches. I’m doing “terrific turkey tortas”. I finally located a source for bolillos in here in town. Today is a practice day. Yum!

I liked “Yes, Minister” during my britcom period. It appears that both Stephen Fry and Margaret Thatcher were fans as well.

Let’s use the iPhone word picker just for fun.

I’m certain that I have to go back in the morning because I’m going to have a little trouble with my paperwork.

Not bad. It almost makes sense. But it’s 2am and I’m not asleep. A lot of things make sense at this point.

I’ve been on a few boards for volunteer organizations and am currently on my company’s. Fortunately, for my sanity at least, achieving consensus on most items has been relatively easy.

I can offer no insight into the minds of others. I can only tell you of my own, and even then I cannot be sure.

Ann and I saw Sally and Tom at the Guthrie Theater this afternoon. Not an echo of the past. Not history. A reimagining. Thought provoking. I liked it.

I have to admit that I just couldn’t come up with a good idea for today’s prompt so I’ll just have to exempt myself for this one.

I think admiration implies respect. Can you admire someone but not respect them? I don't believe the converse is true. I could respect someone but not necessarily admire them.

Baleen whales have a license to krill.

I'm not much of a game player, but I broke down and ordered a Playdate from Panic. It's just so dang cute. Should ship in early 2023.

Our Microblogvember prompt for Nov 2 is appropriate. Today is known as the Feast of All Souls.

Can I say that we all feast on roast beast? Maybe that’s in another month. I do love my roast beast. :)

I haven’t skated in years. There is no way I could do a figure eight now. Of course, I couldn’t do it even when I was skating.

I wake up and realize that OMG it’s almost Microblogvember!

Ann has COVID. We think she got it at the Dublin airport, but no way to be sure of course. Could have been the plane, a restaurant, or a cab just as easily. I’m still negative and testing every so often.

A bit of falconry at Ashford Castle!

Doonagore castle. View from our vacation rental in Doolin Ireland.

The Ross-Errilly Friary outside of Headford Ireland.

A nice lunch stop in Maynooth on the way to our B&B in Kilbeggan.

Arriving in Ireland on Wednesday. Hope to post from there over the next two weeks.

Ireland in 18 days. COVID stay away.

Finished “Simply Gödel”. Brought back memories of studying computability theory in grad school. I might dig out the old books.

Finishing up cardiac rehab today. Feeling great!

Starting Simply Gödel by Richard Tieszen. It’ll be interesting to see how it works as an audiobook. 📚