David Dykstal

@pimoore 👍

@pimoore I love her poetry and essays. I’ve only read the her Earthsea fiction and am going to delve into more of that. Jemison is a worthy successor.

@pimoore I’m heavy on the Le Guin at the moment. I’m about 1/4 of the way through Popova’s “Figuring”.

@jack I haven't reached that point yet, but yes, I'm cutting back as well. Note as I need, with a single tool that is easily searchable. Doesn't matter which one.

When I was at university (probably longer ago that you) I found that the act of writing the note was more important than being able to look it up. The writing was the key.

@crossingthethreshold not a bad idea 😎

@crossingthethreshold My wife and I both had our second Moderna shot this week and neither of us had any side effects. The disclaimers we got from Mayo did say that they were possible.

@dejus makes me want to get a drone 😎

@rnv Get well. I've had two episodes with broken ribs. They did heal nicely.

@rnv I've heard Peter a few times in person. Amazing talent and just a really nice guy. RIP.

@Cheri Nice. I'm glad to see a couple of new Ellie Tappets in the works!

@Miraz I've been throwing clipping from various US newspaper sites into Roam for about 5 months now along with my tags and comments. Haven't found the proper forum to publish it all. It might all end up on blot. We'll see.

@helgeg I did use JetBrains Mono for some time, but I never got used to the code ligatures. Maybe I'm just to old school. I might take a poke at Operator Mono someday.

@Miraz I've been collecting a bunch of ragey stuff, but I would never post it here. That'd be for another blog if it ever gets published. Keeping it positive.

@Cheri 👍 I was just looking at that yesterday but I’m still working on my pi zero camera setup. Maybe after that I’ll look at it again.

@jack The One True Notebook is an illusion. I use a Techo and and A5 MD notebook for a daily long form journal, a couple of sketchbooks which I use mostly for doodling. Don't get me started on the apps...

@ddykstal Maybe I should post some pictures. :)

@petebrown @jack I tried using an A5 size bullet journal in 2019 and moved to the Techo for 2020. I liked the smaller format. I don't really need a planner, but it works great as a phenology notebook and sleep journal. I also use it for recording random observations to be fleshed out in my daily journal. Keeping it for 2021.

@Cheri It’s been years since Ann and I visited Seattle. We should take the Empire Builder out there again to visit our friends.

@cygnoir +1 for the Pilot Vanishing Point. They're just so blasted convenient. For shopping lists and taking notes while out running errands, though, I use a Flair and a bunch of index cards. Cheap and replacable.

A friend of mine once called paper "cellulose automata" since it had the great characteristic of being highly available. Apologies to the late John Conway.

@sgtstretch As much as I liked Carlin in that. Ringo was a lot more fun.

@schuth I was in junior high when it was being built and watched it go up. I had several classes there as a student in the mid 70s. It was depressing then. It has to be even more depressing now. The problems with the building showed up almost immediately.

@jack I find desktop Linux to be a playground. I keep coming back to macOS. I can do everything there that I can do in Linux and much more. I spend quite of bit of time on the macOS command line. In Linux, I spend almost all of my time there. The graphical bits are just so much weak sauce.

@a_seagull_story Most bbedit on macOS. I also use eclipse for specialized language editors that I cannot find elsewhere. I have no doubt that if you are raised on vim it can be hugely productive. It's just not for me.

@rnv You buy these as singles? Where?

@rnv It appears my handle is misspelled. Should be @ddykstal. Rochester MN.